Find Your Perfect Snack

You’ve probably seen lots of the “top ten best snacks” or “the 100 greatest snacks of all time” type blog lists articles. But who really decides on those lists? Who paid for those lists? Inevitably there are tons of comments asking how could they leave out my favorite snack, and naming lots of amazing foods that aren’t on the list. There must be a better way to actually find your perfect snack.

Snack Rank is the way to find all the worlds best snacks and your personally perfect snacks. Basically it’s a searchable, sortable, filterable wikipedia for snacks. In the process it also builds a true ranking for snacks through user engagement and love of snacks. Instead of only showing you the snacks that a specific retailer sells, SnackRank lists all snacks they can find. Fairly listing all snacks, without trying to sell you anything, letting you find what is actually best for you. And creating a more equal playing field for new small business snack makers to break into the market against multi-national corporations with billions in annual marketing budgets. While you’re browsing through the thousands of snack foods, be sure to check out the amusing sort options like most sugar.

SnackRank - sort filter find snacks

Team Snacks & Your Favorite Snacks

SnackRank is great for office managers, despite many companies saying they are never returning to a traditional office space, and other companies still fighting their employees to return to the office. Never again will you have to run around the office asking coworkers which snack foods or drinks they want in the office. Just send out one email, or post to the company general slack channel. When your team members sign up and like snacks with their company email address they automatically get added to their unique team page based on the email domain name, like Team snack likes and wish lists are anonymized and grouped. This way you, as the office or culture leader, can see the real snacks everyone truly on your team likes and wants — without the bias of seeing who liked the dark chocolate peanut m&m’s and who liked the plain kale chips. Individuals can always share their own uniquely chosen username and likes page if they want others to know their preferences without showing their real name or email address to the public. Teams are only created for unique domains and not created for generic email addresses like or

Whether you just really like a certain type of snack food or you’re a professional fitness trainer with a list of superfood snacks, you can create and share your perfect snack likes and snack wish list. Even if you don’t have a team works for you.

Snackrank sign up - vote for your favorite snacks

Choose your own unique user name when you log in the first time to share your snack likes page. Check out the Top Snackers pages for serious snacker likes and a glimpse into the top snacking teams likes lists at your favorite companies. And don’t forget to share your own snack likes page with friends.

SnackRank Find Better Snacks

Nutrition Data + Transparency

Individual product pages have all the snack nutrition information you need to make informed decisions about what you’re buying and eating. Calories, sugars, sodium content, ingredients, nutrients, major food allergens, and more are all accounted for in an easy to read standardized format for all snack foods.

All the snack nutrition information you want

It’s not just nutrition data available for snack foods, dig in to each product and find snack makers, brands, and company data that is simply and beautifully accessible for product ownership and manufacturing transparency. There are definitely companies that care more about quality sourcing, sustainability, and labor standards. While SnackRank doesn’t make determinations on these factors, knowing what companies make your favorite snacks will hopefully lead to more intelligent consumer choices. Or search the other way, and see all the brands and snacks made by a specific company. You might be surprised how many individual products are products under some of the larger umbrella corporation brands.

Oreo brand snacks from nabisco and mondelez international

So what delicious nibble are you looking for. Doritos, Cheetos, candy, energy bites, hot chips, pre-run snacks, gluten free snacks, superfood snacks, or just something to devour while you netflix & chill snack? Find your perfect snack on SanckRank.